The Wangui Sewing School

The Wangui Sewing School

The Colorful World of Wangui’s Sewing Class …

Two days ago, I stopped by Wangui’s sewing class, on the way home from town. It was such a delightful experience. There, tucked away in two small rooms, nestled in the rural countryside, was a bundle of happy women surrounded by colorful fabrics. They asked me to come in and take some pictures. I love taking pictures and consented to a small photo shoot.

Amidst the whirring of sewing machines, ladies who formerly wondered how to feed their families and where the next shilling would come, sat happily preparing to face the future with confidence. Having the skill to earn money for the family's needs is very, very uplifting and empowering.

How did this happy gathering begin? Our spiritual daughter, Wangui, when we first met her she was an abandoned woman herself. She was praying for a way to help the widows, women abandoned by their husbands and families, and the ultra-poor living around her and to support their families. After being trained to sew by my wife Cynthia, Wangui reached out to her neighbors. Now she graduates class after class of women, even providing sewing machines to start their businesses.
