Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Thank you all for surrounding us with you loving, prayerful support as we travel this road to curing David’s cancer and to his full recovery. We had a wonderful weekend with family visiting from Alabama and look forward to visitors as we go along.

Comfort measures being given for two days!

We have wanted to update everyone more specifically, but have been so busy with appointments, tests, and taking care of symptoms - the greatest being pain. We hope as treatment continues the tumor will shrink and relieve some of the pain.

So here’s the plan:

Diagnosed with advanced squamous cell carcinoma neck cancer David is part of a study to cure head and neck cancer. This will require long term treatment and followup care. Most treatments will be done as an outpatient unless there are complications.

Phase 1 - Screening phase - is completed all tests etc.

Phase 2 - Induction Phase - He started Friday, May 24th with Immunotherapy Pembrolizumab infusion and will continue with Olaparib tablets every day for 21 days. He has already felt some relief and it’s easier to swallow since the first few days of treatment.

Phase 3 - Then after a week’s rest - Chemo and radiation therapy for 7 weeks will start. This will be the most intense part of the treatment with 5 days a week treatments. We’re hoping to be able to find a reasonably priced place to stay near the hospital for 5 days (4 nights) a week then go back to Yiskah’s on the weekends. The hospital is over an hour away from her house.

Phase 4. - After this there will be 8 - 42 days of long cycles of maintenance Immunotherapy Pembrolizumab and Olaparib tablets. As well as tests and procedures as needed to evaluate progress.

Phase 5 - Follow up Phase - for the next 5 years there will be follow up visits. 

This Study is by far the best option for a cure and healing. The Doctors are very hopeful that this will bring the very best results.

It will be a rough year but with God’s grace we will find peace in the midst of the storm. We have been surrounded by caring doctors, nurses, and multidisciplinary health care consultants and providers. We have insurance but copays, transportation and housing expenses are adding up. Any help would be appreciated. You can donate at the bottom of this page. Make sure to designate David Taylor Medical needs or Stonehouse Ministries.

While here in North Carolina for medical treatment, back in Kenya our dear brothers and sisters are continuing the work for Stonehouse Ministries. We stay in close contact with the leaders and they have done so well. Recently the floods in Kenya have displaced some of our members as they live in mud houses that were completely washed away. Thankfully none were seriously injured but the lose to those who have so little to begin with is devastating. We’re helping provide food for the families and assisting in whatever ways we can. We are continuing to help sick and needy families and education for children. The churches continue to grow in spiritual stature as discipleship continues to raise up more leaders and home churches. We are confident in the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction. Please continue prayers and support to the ministries.

We are hopeful as we go through the storm together and never alone. It will get worse before it gets better….. but it will get better!